
ELGA Editorial Team

Blogs by Author
Cool Science, Water Purity
The Pharmaceutical Properties of Metals
ELGA Editorial Team
Everything is good for you in moderation - even metals. Here we investigate the pharmaceutical properties of metals, some known for thousands of years.
Metal property Blocks
Life in The Lab, Cool Science
Top 10 Lab Tech Gripes
ELGA Editorial Team

Angry Scientist

Angry Scientist
Water Purity, Water In The Lab
The Little Things
ELGA Editorial Team
In the lab, where the precision and accuracy are essential, we have pioneered technology to control the invisible microbial life.
Cool Science, Environment & Sustainability
Out Of This World: To Infinity And Beyond
ELGA Editorial Team
In the final instalment of our Out of this World series, we take a look at the discovery of water on comets and asteroids.
Cool Science, Environment & Sustainability
Out Of This World: Enceladus
ELGA Editorial Team
We are discovering that liquid water is pretty rare in the universe. This blog looks at the evidence about Enceladus which could change this.
Cool Science, Environment & Sustainability
Out of this world: The Red Planet
ELGA Editorial Team
Water on the Red Planet is a big focus at the moment, so this blog will look at the geomorphological and astrogeobiological features present on the surface.
Cool Science, Environment & Sustainability
Out Of This World: Lunar Landings
ELGA Editorial Team
Hydrogen and oxygen are two rather abundant elements in the universe, so water is likely to be quite common in the universe. Here we look at water on the Moon.
Cool Science, Environment & Sustainability
Out Of This World: The Blue Planet
ELGA Editorial Team
Water is essential to life. In this series we look at the search for water throughout the Solar System starting with our own reserves deep beneath our feet.