
ELGA Editorial Team

Blogs by Author
Clinical & Pharma, Water Purity
HPLC-UV dissolution testing using ELGA’s PURELAB® systems enhances therapeutic drug monitoring
ELGA Editorial Team
In the pharmaceutical industry, generic substitution has played an important role in limiting the cost of medicines. However, concerns have been raised regarding the testing of generic substitutes, particularly those that are narrow therapeutic index drugs.
Medical technology concept. Electronic medical record.
Water Purity, PURELAB Product Design
Ultrapure Water and Characterizing Bacterial Signaling Molecules
ELGA Editorial Team
The ELGA Editorial Team explore the importance of ultrapure water for characterizing bacterial signaling molecules by UHPLC-HRMS/MS
ELGA Products
Water In The Lab, Water Purity
Is This Your Most Essential Piece Of Lab Equipment?
ELGA Editorial Team
Pure and ultrapure water is essential for the smooth operation of most laboratory applications, which is why ELGA considers lab water purification systems an essential piece of lab equipment
Lab Equipment
Environment & Sustainability, Water Purity
The Solution To Pollution Is Not Always Dilution
ELGA Editorial Team
Waste materials pose an ever greater threat to our environment but the solution to pollution may need to be rather more innovative than before.
Water Contamination
Cool Science, Environment & Sustainability
De-Extinction and the Science Behind it
ELGA Editorial Team
Did you know that de-extinction actually exists? It's the process where species & organisms that were once extinct are brought back to life. Read our blog!
dinosaur destroy the modern city
Environment & Sustainability, Water Purity
The Unexpected Link Between Amino Acids and Antarctic Air
ELGA Editorial Team
Pristine conditions of Antarctica make it an excellent natural lab. Read how an Italian team investigate the links between amino acids and Antarctic air.
Antarctica Scientific Exploration
Water Purity, Water In The Lab
How is Water Purity Tested?
ELGA Editorial Team
You use water for your experiments every day, but how much confidence do you have in its purity? Read this blog to find out how water purity is tested.
Chemical and physical properties attributed to types of water
Water In The Lab, Analytical Chemistry
Microorganism Contamination: the End of the Road?
ELGA Editorial Team
Everything that you need to know about the microorganism that might be contaminating your pure lab water and ruining your experiments. Find out more here.
Bacteria design